Junior Summer scheme
Summer taster scheme for Years 3-5
If your child is interested in starting a new instrument, and you'd like an opportunity for a short-term taster period before any long term commitment, then do read on...
Learning a musical instrument offers so many benefits to our children, beyond basic musical skills. It can improve mental health and wellbeing, cognitive skills and collaborative and teamwork abilities It offers the opportunity to play in ensembles and bands with other musicians and is a great pathway to specialist scholarships at senior school level.
I am thrilled to be able to give pupils in Years 3-5 an opportunity to get a lower cost, no commitment, short-term taster on a new instrument for the Summer term. Pupils will have either a shared lesson or a shorter lesson with one of our fabulous, highly qualified and dynamic music teachers and have the opportunity to borrow one of our school instruments free of charge so they can share and develop their new skills at home. (Subject to availability)
Lessons will commence after the Easter holidays and be timetabled on a weekly, rotating, basis so as to keep academic impact as low as possible and keep it fair for all pupils. At the end of the term, you will have the option to continue lessons individually in the Autumn, at the full length/rate.
Some instruments obviously carry with them restrictions based on the age and development of each child but we are thrilled to be able to offer the following to choose from:
Flute (Year 4+)
French Horn
Guitar (Acoustic, Electric or Bass)
To apply, please see more information and the form, below. Should you have further queries, contact Sarah Mudd. s.mudd@walhampton.com
The small print...
Pupils must be new to the chosen instrument (not already having lessons)
The scheme runs for the Summer term only. If you choose to continue with lessons after this time, you will be agreeing to our standard terms which include a notice period should you wish to discontinue. Please see Instrumental Music at Walhampton document for more details.
Lessons will be charged at £11 per lesson (half the usual rate to account for a shared lesson or a 15 minute lesson) and will appear on your next school bill.
Lessons will be timetabled across the school day, weekly, and on a rotating basis.
Lessons are offered on a first come, first served basis.
If there is a question of suitability of instrument, a decision will be made by the Director of Music.